Februar 12, 2025
Mixer Gewinnspiel: Blendtec Total Blender – Mach mit & gewinne! (BEENDET)

Mixer Gewinnspiel: Blendtec Total Blender – Mach mit & gewinne! (BEENDET)


Ich freue mich riesig, denn zusammen mit meinen Freunden von Blendtec verlose ich einen Blendtec Total Blender im Wert von 750,00 EUR!
Denn nur mit einem Hochleistungsmixer bekommt man diese tolle „smoothe“ Textur eines Smoothies hin.

Und eine(r) von euch darf sich bald stolzer Besitzer eines Blendtec Mixers nennen!
Das Gewinnspiel gilt in ganz Europa (Gewinn: Blendtec Total Blender), sowie den USA und Kanada (Gewinn: Blendtec Designer 725).

Der Gewinner wird von mir via Rafflecopter gezogen. Das Gewinnspiel endet am: 27. März 2015
Das Gewinnspiel ist beendet.

Gewinnerin: Lillian S. aus Deutschland – Herzlichen Glückwunsch!!!
Ich habe dir bereits eine E-Mail gesendet. Falls Du dich binnen 3 Tagen nicht meldest, wird ein neuer Gewinner gezogen.

Ich danke allen, die mitgemacht haben. Ich bin echt überwältigt von all den Einträgen und Kommentaren!
Deswegen wird es bald wieder ein Gewinnspiel geben, sodass jeder von euch eine zweite Chance bekommt, einen Hochleistungsmixer zu gewinnen!

Was ist Rafflecopter?

Rafflecopter ist ein Dienst, welcher dafür entworfen wurde, Gewinnspiele ein­fa­cher zu ge­stalten. Hier werden euch bestimmte Aufgaben vorgegeben (Liken, Tweeten, Kommentieren), und ihr, meine Leser, könnt sogenannte Entries sammeln – am Ende werde ich via Raff­le­c­opter einen Ge­winner ermitteln. Dann kann ich über­prüfen, ob ge­schum­melt wurde :-)

Ihr habt verschiedene Möglichkeiten über die Rafflecopter Box mitzumachen:
Eure Gewinnchance könnt ihr durch Liken der Facebook-Pages von niner und von Blendtec erhöhen, ebenso durch das Folgen der jeweiligen Twitter-Accounts, Tweets über das Gewinnspiel tweeten (jeden Tag 1x möglich), hier im Artikel einen Kommentar hinterlassen etc.
Aber dazu müsst ihr die Rafflecopter Box benutzen. Jede einzelne Option zählt als 1 Eintrag.
Je mehr Einträge ihr generiert, desto höher ist eure Gewinnchance!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Viel Spaß und vor allem: Viel Glück!

Falls du nicht gewinnen solltest:
Kauf Dir trotzdem einen Blender, du wirst es nicht bereuen. Ich empfehle den besten Online Shop dafür: MyBlender.de – die tollsten Blendtec Blender / Hochleistungsmixer und eine tolle Beratung & Service. Die Mitarbeiter sind immer zur Stelle, falls man Fragen hat!

Falls ihr euch schon länger überlegt, ob ihr euch einen Hochleistungsmixer kaufen sollt, lest hier meinen ausführlichen Test des Blendtec’s Designer 725!

Happy blending!
Eure niner

Braucht ihr Inspiration für Grüne Smoothie Rezepte & Co.? Klickt hier!

Durchführung des Gewinnspiels mit freundlicher Unterstützung durch Blendtec.

Über niner bakes

Hi I'm niner - I blog about cake pops, cupcakes & super healthy things: green smoothies, matcha, super foods & more! Welcome to my blog, I am thrilled you're here :)

219 Kommentare

  1. Oh wow! I would love, love, love to win this Blendtec blender! Thank you so much for the chance!

    • Would LOVE to win this blentec….i have dreams about it. Oopps…maybe i shouldn’t have said that because you know what they say….if you tell your dreams, they won’t come true!! haha… But i’m hoping this ONE dream will! Thanks for the opportunity to try and win a blentec!!

  2. I am recently retired from a demanding job and I am trying to recapture my health! This blender is part of the plan!

  3. I would love a blender! I love making smoothies and juices!

  4. Hey Marian,
    me, too! let the games begin :D

  5. Hallo Nina!
    Das ist ja eine Super-Aktion! Ich würde mich sehr freuen!
    LG, Tina

  6. It would be a great start for a new beginning to win the BlendTec!

  7. Liebe Nina,

    ich würde mich total über den Blender freuen. ( Nein, eigentlich würde ich komplett durchdrehen :) ) .
    Als Student habe ich leider nicht die Möglichkeit dazu, einen Blender zuzulegen. Auch wenn ich sehr viel Wert auf gesunde Ernährung lege und Smoothies und Co. liebe, kann ich mir leider im Moment keinen Blender ( geschweige den einen von Blendtec) leisten. Deswegen finde ich dein Gewinnspiel fantastisch und würde sooo gerne gewinnen um endlich leckere und gesunde Sachen damit zubereiten zu können! :)


  8. I was just sharing with a friend all your green smoothie recipes – she’s now following you too!
    I don’t own a blender…. So winning this would be amazing!!!!!

  9. Wow was ein super Giveaway. Ich mache seit 2 Monaten Paleo und suche noch dringend nach einem gescheoten Mixer. Leuder habe ich als Studentin noch nicht so die Kohle um mir einen zu leisten. Deswegen würde ich mich super über diesen Gewinn freuen.

  10. OMG !! I’m obsessed with your green smoothies !
    I have a green smoothie every single morning for breakfast :)
    I would looooove to win a Blendtec blender !!!

  11. Wow,was für ein tolles Gewinnspiel! Ich würde mich sehr freuen, den Blender zu gewinnen, momentan macge ich eine Ernährungsumstellung und will versuchen, mehr pflanzliche Ballast- und Nährstoffe in meine Ernährung zu integrieren.
    LG und God bless!

  12. Hallo Nina,

    Vorab ich liebe es mir deine Bilder auf Instagram anzugucken, endlich mal jemand der vernünftige Bilder hochlädt. Mach weiter so du gibst mir immer viel Inspiration für neues ????

    Ich glaube jeder würde sich riesig über den Blender freuen, so auch ich, da ich mir zur Zeit leider keinen leisten kann.
    Ich wünsche allen viel Erfolg!

    Liebe Grüße

  13. I LOVE to make salad dressing

  14. You’ve got such a pretty site!
    I’ve read many good reviews of blendtec mixers. Would love to own one, and put it to use daily. Good luck to everyone!

  15. Ich würde mir den Blender wünschen, weil jetzt endlich wieder ganz viele leckere Früchte Saison haben und Frühjahr/Sommer einfach die beste Zeit für Smoothies und leckere Fruchtshakes ist. Ein so teures Gerät kann ich mir derzeit nicht leisten, aber ein billig Gerät möchte ich mir nicht zulegen, denn aus Erfahrung weiß ich, dass diese viel schneller kaputt gehen und nicht mehr zu reparieren sind. Für solch hochwertige Produkte wie den Blendtec Blender gibt es sicherlich viele Jahre Ersatzteile nachzukaufen, wenn mal was kaputt gehen sollte. Deshalb würde ich mich auch sehr über den Blendtec Blender freuen, weil er einem sicherlich viele Jahre Freude bereiten wird.

    Liebe Grüße,

  16. Ich will unbedingt mal das tolle vegane Bananeneis machen!

  17. I’m so excited about this give away it would help my family so muh especially with a new baby coming and wanting her to eat the best baby food made by me this would not only help her but help me and my family stay healthy and on track love the blendtec and what it offers… It’s on my vision board :)))

  18. I want to win this blender because I need a great one from an awesome brand! I use my current blender all the time and it’s on it’s last „leg“. I use it to make green smoothies every morning for breakfast. This blender will help me to continue maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Thanks!

  19. To make awesome smoothies and banana softserve!

  20. A Blendtec is at the top of my wish list!!

  21. I really want to get into smoothies adn making my own nut milks!

  22. I would love to win b/c I love making healthy smoothies for my family!!

  23. I would love to win this Blendtec blender because it would add even more variety and possibilities to our plant-based nutrition plan. After my oldest sister going through two years of chemo for colon cancer and my mom having a stroke, we watched the documentary movie Forks Over Knives and completely changed what we eat and have seen the difference in our health.

  24. My food processor broke and I only have a nutribullet which does not make ANYTHING I need to make…ex) Soup, Smooth nice cream/smoothies, nut butter, dough

  25. Es wäre der Oberhammer diesen Blender zu gewinnen…ich hatte eh nächsten Monat vor mir einen Standmixer zu holen, aber der wird sicher niemals an diesen ran kommen :)

  26. I need a faster blender so that I can create smoothies more quickly in the morning!

  27. I would love this to make healthy smoothies!

  28. I want to make yummy healthy smoothies for my family

  29. i’d like to win because I’d like to make some delicious smoothies.

  30. What an awesome giveaway! I would be over the moon if I won! Good luck to everyone who enters.

  31. I would love to win to make some delicious smoothies! TY!

  32. Love love love this! I recently started making smoothies for my kiddos and have fallen in love with hiding veggies!! Love following you on Instagram as well!! Yay for Blendtec! Love it!

  33. Ich liebäugle schon seit Ewigkeiten mit dem Ding (ich folge dir auf Insta und bin jedes mal neidisch wie der einfach alles klein kriegt) aber ich hab leider noch nicht im Lotro gewonnen :D Meine Chance!

    Liebe Grüße

  34. I would love to win this! Soups, smoothies, cashew cheese… the possibilities are endless! :)

  35. Ich muuuuuss gewinnen weil ich demnächst mehr als ein hungriges Mäulchen zu stopfen habe :D Dafür wär das Beste vom Besten natürlich perfekt :)

  36. Would love to win one as they seem the best for making smoothies and juices. They look do delicious when you make them. Thanks for the giveaway!

  37. So cool you also ask the question in German!!! I want to win so I have a decent blender that can blend without struggling or burning out the motor… fresh, frozen, mixes, you name it! Effortless healthy blended foods!

  38. id love to win cause the idea of eating healthy and having the right equipment is a must to me and at this time i am not able to do this

  39. I would love to win this blender for my mom!

  40. Ich würde sehr gerne den Blender gewinnen, da ich smoothies sehr mag, sie aber leider nicht machen kann.

  41. I would love to win this blender because of all of the good reviews the get. I would never be able to buy one myself so I always try to enter any contests to win one.

  42. I’d like to win the Blendtec because it’s THE BEST BLENDER EVER and we as a family who are eating more healthy need it!

  43. I would love to win a Blend Tec, as I am working on incorporating green smoothies and protein shakes into my diet … and I love to cook and there are SO many other possibilities with this blender! Thank you for the opportunity!

  44. I want to win a blender because I do not own one, and instead use a small ninja for all my sorbets, soups, salad dressing, attempts at nut butters, slaws, shakes and smoothies. I know I could blend so many more items and larger quantities at one time with a blender.

  45. OH! Pick me Pick me, PLEASE! I would love to have this wonderful blender. I do not own one and can not afford to buy one but really need one to help feed my family nutritious and delicious meals and smoothies! My father has diabetes and my mother has Alzheimer’s and liver disease. I am recently pregnant for the first time at age 41 and my husband’s first baby at age 43. For these reasons I would love to win this Blendtec Blender to help keep the whole family healthier!

    Thank you! Betsy

  46. Please pick me! Really need this in my kitchen!

  47. I want to be able to make my own flours, butters, soups, smoothies… everything! Thanks!

  48. Thanks for giving us this opportunity…& as much as I want to win I also want to wish everyone luck! :)

  49. I’ve wanted to upgrade our blender for awhile, but just can’t afford a really good quality one. I’d love to win one so I could make smoothies and juices.

  50. Would love to win a Blendtec!

  51. I would love to win this after almost 33 years of marriage, the wedding gifts/appliances are broken and in need of replacing.

  52. i would love to win a blendtec to make soups and green smoothies!!

  53. I would love to make salsa, baby food, and smoothies.

  54. My son wants a blender instead of TV for college

  55. Boy would I love to win this Blendtec. I have a lot of allergies so I like to make my own flours and butters and this would be a blessing.

  56. I’ve been dreaming of a Blendtec for years! I make smoothies for my 3 boys and myself every single day. I currently use a Nutribullet and seriously need to graduate to the bigger, more powerful, more awesome Blendtec! :)

  57. I want to win this blender so I can use it to create healthier recipes because my husband and I are trying to get healthier and lose some extra weight.

  58. I would love to win so I would have a quality blender to make my morning smoothie

  59. Love BlendTec blenders. I have a sweet daughter-in-law with health problems that a good blender would help a lot. Would love to win one to give to her.

  60. I would love to win a Blendtec because I have been after a holy grail super blender for years! I could not afford one so good, and would love to be able to blend the tougher nutritious ingredients to enhance my health!

  61. I’ve to have this nice blender that works for so long without any repairs like other blenders to make healthy smoothies, protein batter,.. I have to have this not just for me but for my two lovely month babies..

  62. I would love a quality blender so that I can make smoothies, soups and other nutritious foods for myself and my family! Thank you for the chance! :)

  63. My friends have the Vitamix and they are obsessed! I did my research due to my blender jealousy and have had my eye on a Blendtec ever since! It would make my kitchen complete!

  64. I would love a blender. I have never had a blender that blends anything well. Especially fruit and veggies. My daughter begs for smoothies, and I have to chop everything within an inch of its life, and pre-crush the ice, so she hardly ever gets one. This would be wonderful. I would love to add healthy smoothies and homemade nut butters and the like to my family’s diet.

  65. Uiii so ein Hochleistungsmixer wäre grandios für endlich richtig smoothlike grüne smoothies ohne Fasern oder Stücke. Ein träumchen !! Vielen Dank für dieses wunderbare Gewinnspiel.

  66. Would love to win this blender, just started my own sweet shop business and would love to make a few milkshakes too!!

  67. I would LOVE to win so that I can make healthy smoothies and drinks for me and my family!

  68. Love this giveaway!

  69. Would love one of these! We make smoothies for the family every morning!

  70. This would be a great overall help in the kitchen for many needs such as making ice cream , soup, and dough for baking

  71. My blender broke a few months ago and I have been saving up to buy a new one and Blendtec is on the top of my list! I’ve never had a great blender and would love to be able use this one!

  72. What a great giveaway! I make smoothies every day and would love this! Thanks.

  73. Ich würde soooo gerne so ein grandioses Ding zu Hause haben!! Tolle Idee, Niner!

  74. Just found out I am diabetic; this would go a long way in helping me eat healthy!!

  75. I need a Blend tech. For my protein Shakes and for when I make bread and cookies and sauces and could do so much more. <3

  76. Wir trinken sehr gern Smothies und könnten mal ein ordentliches Gerät gebrauchen.

  77. I would love to win, a Blendtec is at the top of my wish list!!

  78. I’m venturing into the exciting world of vegan food and a lot of the recipes call for a high speed blender to make nut flours etc. It would be very handy to have such a high speed blender at my disposal!

  79. I soo need this in my life, I literally enter every competition to win a blendtec blender, please please please ???????????? xxxxxxx

  80. The Blendtec 725, and the new twister jar, look amazing!
    Would love to try them on a variety of recipes. ????
    I enjoyed the videos – just 1 question: does this model come in colors? Although chrome goes with anything.

  81. Blendtec is awesome…does it all!

  82. I’ve wanted a Blendtec since I first heard of them. I haven’t had the budget to buy one yet, but I“m still dreaming!

  83. I want a BlendTec to replace my old Vitamix that’s on it’s last leg!!!

  84. I would love to win so I can make salsas and breakfast smoothies.

  85. Wow this would be so awesome for soups, smoothies, and homemade nut butters!

  86. I am hoping to get more nutritious foods into my family’s diet.

  87. I would love to win this blender because I’ve had three cheaper blenders break recently and I am missing my quick, easy and super healthy morning smoothies on the way to work on my early shifts! Plus I would love to make my own almond milk again :)

  88. I would love to win the blender so I could make some healthy drinks for my family.

  89. I would be extatic if I won this blender. My mom and I are only eating organic now and it would be awesome to make some GREEN Organic Smoothies with this blender. Fingers Crossed!!!!!!

  90. This is amazing…would love to win one!

  91. This would be so awesome…I’ve seen so many exciting things being done with the Blendtec…

  92. I have wanted a good blender forever!

  93. I love my blendtec so much, can’t wait to go look at your smoothie recipes! I really just need the twister jar to make my life complete but if I won this I know I could find a good home for my lightly used model somewhere on my momma’s counter, lol!

  94. So I can cook healthier meals

  95. I would love to win a Blendtec 725 blender. Thanks for the chance!

  96. I so desperately want this Blendtec!!

  97. Would be the perfect birthday gift for my daughter

  98. I would absolutely love to win this! I have always wanted one but definitely cannot afford it. I would love to be able to whip up smoothies, soups, sauces and more!

  99. Thanks so much for the chance to win this amazing Blendtec blender. I love making fresh fruit and vegetable smoothies.

  100. I love Blendtecs! I would love to have the twister jar!

  101. I’d love to win one and use it to make smoothies, soups, etc for my family! Love controlling what my family eats and knowing it is nutritious!

  102. After Reading everything about Green smoothies and also the Blendtec Blender on your Blog, im thrilled to Try it on my own. :-)

  103. Ich würde so gerne den Blendtec gewinnen!!

    Ich habe dieses Jahr ein großes Ziel. Eines, was mein Leben nachhaltig verändern soll. Ich möchte 10 kg Körpergewicht abnehmen, den Fettanteil reduzieren und Muskeln aufbauen. Ich habe meine Ernährung umgestellt, um ab sofort gesund durch das Leben zu gehen. Denn darum geht es: sich gesund und fit fühlen. Dieser Blender wäre eine super Unterstützung auf meinem Weg. Mit einem einzigen Green Smoothie kann man so viele Vitamine, Nährstoffe, Balaststoffe auf einmal abdecken. Ich würde mich unendlich freuen, so einen Blendtec mein Eigen zu nennen!! Ist es egoistisch, wenn ich mir jetzt selbst die Däumchen drücke ;-)

  104. i would love to win one:)) i heard a lot about # blendtec!!!spring & summer are comming, it’s smoothie-time:DD!!!!!!!!!!!good luck to everyone <3 <3 <3

  105. Wow, that is an awesome give-away! It will fit perfectly into my kitchen :) I am studying at a University and the cantine is – let’s say- not the best. We could have smoothies for lunch and during the studies, since I do not live far away. That would be awesome to win it!

  106. So ein tolles Gewinnspiel. Danke dafür! Ich würde so gerne Smoothies und selbstgemachte Säfte trinken, aber mein No-Name Gerät schafft sowas nicht, vorallem niemals GreenSmoothies. Ein so tolles Gerät ist mir bei meinem Studentenbudget leider viel zu teuer. Würde mich daher seeeeehr darüber freuen! Drücke uns allen die Damen!

  107. Liebe Niner,

    ich habe es dir schon in einem anderen Kommentar erzählt – wir haben uns endlich für einen Blendtec entschieden. Ich freue mich riesig darauf und auf die positiven Änderungen, die er mit sich bringen wird. Wie fantastisch wäre es, den Blendtec jetzt auch noch zu gewinnen?

    Danke, dass du mit Blendtec dieses Gewinnspiel möglich machst!

  108. I’d use this to make healthy, delicious meals for mm y parrot and myself. I’d sure like to win this.

  109. I would love to win this blendtec blender for a few reasons: 1.) It’s BEAUTIFUL – this gorgeous kitchen tool would never leave my counter! 2.) The versatility and power of this blender is ahhhhmazing. I love that you can make anything from juice to thick pizza dough and everything in between. And 3.) I want a green smoothie without chunks! Haha. Thanks for the chance!

  110. I want to wint a blender so that I can make fabulous green smoothies!

  111. I have wanted this blender for a long time! I want to make my own flours and much more. Would love to win !

  112. Die Chance ist gering, aber ich versuche mein Glück, weil es einfach GIGANTISCH wäre! Ich liebe Smoothies, aber in meinem 0/8/15 Blender werden die einfach nicht so toll…

    Liebe Grüße, Miss B.

  113. My daughter’s anniversary is coming up and I would love to win them a Blendtec! What a great surprise/gift it would be!

  114. Ooh ich muss es einfach gewinnen. Ich träume schon seit Jahren für BLENDTEC und bin ein begeisterter folger deiner tollen smoothie Rezepte. Und mit dem Blendtec würden sie mir viel viel besser gelingen:)))danke für diese tolle Aktion!!!

  115. It’s be nice to make smoothies, ice creams, and dips!!

  116. Would love to win this BLENDTEC!!!

  117. Wow was ein super Giveaway. Ich mache seit 2 Monaten Paleo und suche noch dringend nach einem gescheoten Mixer. Leuder habe ich als Studentin noch nicht so die Kohle um mir einen zu leisten. Deswegen würde ich mich super über diesen Gewinn freuen.

  118. There is no better blender!

  119. Weil ich so einen schon immer wollte und damit die schönsten Sachen zaubern kann <3

  120. My son loooooves smoothies, and I NEED to get back into green smoothies. I have an old Osterizer blender, you know the one with the glass jar, yeah, that one. It does the trick, but I’m sure I’d find it easier with a new blender, and have more options.

  121. I would love to make smoothies in this blender and grind my own wheat. Thanks for the opportunity!

  122. Weil mein freund smoothies liebt und ich ihn gerne verwöhne :)

  123. I would looooove to get my hands on this blender! Thanks for hosting the giveaway!

  124. I love smoothies and I’ve heard nothing but great things about the Blendtec! Plus, I would love it to make pureed baby food for my babies. Thank you so much for the opportunity to win one!

  125. I would love to win this Blender!

  126. I need a blendtec to be able to cook & bake the way I used to. Grind grains for flour, make my own nut butters and nut cheeses.

  127. It would be great to win this blender. I will be back to check out the smoothie recipes.

  128. I eat a smoothie everyday for breakfast and would love to make it in a Blendtech!

  129. Would be blessed to win!!!

  130. I would like to win this blender to make better smoothies …and also ice cream, doughs, salsa, dressings.

  131. This is just what I need to give myself a healthy eating boost. Thank you for the opportunity!

  132. I know there are so many things to make with this, but smoothies would be first on my list!

  133. I would love to win this blender!

  134. Would LOVE to win this!

  135. I would love to win a Blendtec to make my fruit and veggie smoothies like Benji does in Benjimantv and ItsJudyslife!!

  136. I have been wanting a blendtec for soooo long!! I am dying to make smoothies that don’t have chunks! Also, I’d love to try but butters, and soups!!

  137. To make all kinds of yummy, healthy smoothies for my family!

  138. My blender is really old and leaky. If I won this one I would make a lot more smoothies.

  139. I would use this amazing blender to get more veggies into my diet

  140. I want to win because I need to be on a special diet for my health

  141. I would be honored to win a Blendtec and do justice to one of your delicious recipes!

  142. I need to win this because I’ve recently started a healthy eating plan and have lost a lot of weight. Winning this would make things so very much easier! Especially since I can’t afford to buy one!

  143. Because I like making smoothies and soups,homemade stuff.

  144. I want to win so we can make some delicious smoothies.

  145. I would love it so I can make smoothies and health snacks

  146. I would love to win this as I do not have a blender and there is so many things you can make with this

  147. I would be so happy to win this blender because i have a blender that is 12 years old:)) This looks like an awesome blender!!! Fingers crossed. xx

  148. I would LOVE to give this as a gift to my Mom. She’s done so much for me and my siblings that it makes me cry when ever I think about them. I do say “ I love you “ to her but I want to do something more! I want to give her something she’ll always use, even when Im no longer there, something she can relay on. It’ll also help her with her with lowering her cholesterol , she’s getting into the smoothie making habait!! Please, it’ll be completely Amazing to give her this! Plus Im looking forward to using it myself heehee ????

  149. Für den Frischekick zum Frühlingsanfang! :-)

  150. I would love to win this blender. I do have a blender, but it’s very old and the buttons stick and winning this blender will help with my baking and making smoothies. I have a child care and the children love making the smoothies together. So thank you for giving away the blender and maybe I will win.

  151. Ich bin gerade dabei meine Ernährung umzustellen und wäre so glücklich das mit dem von dir so hochgelobten Blender machen zu können!!! Ganz liebe Grüße an dich!

  152. I would love to win this blender to whip up some dips and marinades. Even some smoothies too!

  153. I have so much fruit that I’d love to blend and drink! healthy breakfast!

  154. Hey!

    Ich suche schon lange nach einem, nicht nur gut aussehenen, sondern auch richtig powervollen blender! Immer, wenn ich deine tollen Fotos auf Instagram sehe, träume ich auch von diesem blender um auch selbst viele leckere Smoothies zu zaubern! :D

    Da ich mittlerweile über 40kg abgenommen habe und mich weiter gesund ernähren möchte, würde ich mich riesig freuen, einen gewinnen zu können! Jeden Tag frische Smoothies machen es doch gleich viel einfacher, das Gewicht zu halten und nicht in alte Gewohnheiten zurückzufallen! ;)

    Ganz viele liebe Grüße!
    Deine Claudia (instagram: clute88)

  155. I want to win so I can make soups and smoothies. Right now I use a stick blender and a larger unit would help.

  156. I have a Blendtec and LOVE it. If I won, I would give it to a family member that is trying to get healthy.

  157. I want to win a blender so my family drinks more protein shakes.

  158. I’d love to have a blendtec! I’m always making smoothies or banana soft serve or hummus, this would be awesome!

  159. Ahh! What a blessing this would be! I would love to win this so I can make daily juices and smoothies! Green juice is my favorite and I don’t get to make it often. This would make it so much easier for me!!

  160. I would love this in order to be able to blend up juices and smoothies for my family.

  161. I would love to win a Blendtec to help me solve my recurrent digestive issues and bring more raw fruits and veggies into my daily life.

  162. Ich würde sooooooo so so so gerne einen Blendtec gewinnen, da er meine vegane Kücke komplett machen würde. Momentan mache ich meien Smoothies noch mit einem Pürierstab, allerdings werden die Meser langsam stumpf :-/

  163. ich würde mich sehr über den Blender freuen
    Die nächste Diät steht an

    Thank´s for the Chance

  164. Ich würde gerne meinen Freund mit vielen gesunden Smoothies versorgen. :-)

  165. würde gerne Smoothies und Jogurts machen

  166. i would very much like to win a blender because the one I had is broken and I threw it away. So I am now in need of a new one

  167. I would love to win this awesome blender,,so I could finally have something powerful to make smoothies,soup,milkshakes,everything in this!

  168. Our Blender is over 15 years old and I love all the new features and how well they work.

  169. I would REALLY like a blender so I can make smoothies day and night mmmmmm

  170. I recently discovered how easy & cost-effective it is to make almond milk at home!
    Not to mention, you can add your own sweeteners and avoid adding preservatives that are unavoidable in store bought varieties.

    The Blendtec 725 would make amazing almond milk :)

  171. I want to win so I can make soups and smoothies. I’ve made big changes in my food habits and this would be a great tool!

  172. Mit meinem alten Pürierstab habe ich bisher mehr schlecht als recht Obstsmoothies hergestellt, aber so ein Blendtec wäre natürlich auch der Zugang zu echten grünen Smoothies. Für uns vier Obst- und Rohkostmuffel wäre das natürlich der Hit.

  173. My friend has this blender and he makes wonderful green juices with it for his family everyday. I would love to own a high quality blender like this so I can start making green juice everyday as well.

  174. I would love to make green smoothies, soups, nut butters, and other delicious items with a blendtec blender!

  175. My blender is broken and this would be a wonderful replacement!

  176. I would love to win this blender because we love smoothies and milk shakes, and it would be great for making sauces and soups as well :) Thanks for the chance!

  177. This would be great for making smoothies

  178. I’m a smoothie fanatic, and would LOVE to have a new blender to make some new creations!

  179. Grüne Smoothies verlangen schon ein richtiges Powergerät wie den Omniblend. Alles andere gibt nur grüngefärbte „Pampe“, die der Körper gar nicht nutzen kann. Meine Familie und ich würden uns sehr über so ein Gerät freuen.

  180. I’ve heard that this is one of the best blenders out there so I would love to use it for making green juices and smoothies!

  181. Thanks for this giveaway! I’d love it to get this Blendtec. I want it because some months ago I started to make my first green smoothies (following your recipes and instructions) and I think this blender would be great for me! I’ll use it so much :D

  182. Great giveaway!! A high speed blender has been on my wishlist for years! If I won the blendtec I would use it to make our own nut butters, and nut milks, which will be less costly and healthier than even the best store bought options, as well I would make smoothies, healthy sorbets and ‚ice creams‘, and the list goes on…..

  183. I want to win a blender so i can make health smoothies!

  184. Would love to win! Always enjoy your posts! ????

  185. Ich möchte diesen tollen Mixer gewinnen um meiner Familie und mir tolle smoothies,Shakes und Cocktails zu mixen.Das wäre echter Oberhammer!ach übrigens mach weiter so finde deine Seite klasse!

  186. A Blendtec would be a sweet prize!! I love mixing smoothies, nut butters, hummus, soups, you name it!

  187. I would love to win a blank check for my family. I have a really bad essential tremor in my hands. My husband also has problems with his hands due to military injuries. For us, hand chopping is not an option. I recently almost sliced my finger off because I tried to chop veggies. This would be such a blessing!

  188. Only the baddest blender on the planet. I could really use this thing for smoothies.

  189. I’ve always wanted one!

  190. I would love to win this blender because in the last year I have finally taken control of my lifestyle and eating habits. I am addicted to green smoothies and try my best to have one everyday. As of 3 weeks ago I finished my studies and am currently unemployed looking for a job. Unfortunately I don’t have the means to pay for a very nice blender right now so it would be an honor to win such an amazing blender which would help me transition into a more plant-based diet! I hope you will consider me. Too bad we missed each other at the Rohvolution the other day!

  191. I want to win this blender because I have always wanted one, also I just broke my other one :’C

  192. There is so much I could do with a really good blender.

  193. I want to win because I have always wanted an awesome blender like this one!

  194. I love to make smoothies and this would be great to make them in.

  195. My son has special needs & will not consume any vegetables. A blender like this would make it so much easier to puree veggies to add to recipes so he could benefit from the nutritional value of greens.

  196. I want to win because I would like to have a good machine to make smoothies out of any foods. This machine would be fantastic.

  197. I would love a blender because I dont own one!!

  198. I want to win this blender because ours broke over six months ago and we really are missing smoothies :)

  199. I’ve been wishing for a new blender for years. I would love to make smoothies for my boys and try some of the green smoothies myself. It would be great to have this high quality blender for so many jobs and recipes.

  200. I hope for the best! :) x

  201. I want to win this because I am a transitioning vegan and this is definitely a staple that I will need. :D

  202. I want to win a Blendtec ,so I can do more things than my current blender allows such as make nut butters and ice cream.

  203. I want to win a blender to make healthy smoothies, and learn to cook better as well. Thank you for the chance!

  204. I’ve heard so many wonderful things about a Blendtec that I would love to give it a try. We love green smoothies everyday. I want to make all of my own raw, fresh salad dressings, and other wonderful things.

  205. Ich liebe Smoothies aber alle Mixer die ich bisher ausprobiert habe waren einfach nur schlecht!!! :( Ich würd mich soo freuen, wenn ich gewinne!! Dann kann ich auch endlich alle deine Rezepte ausprobieren!! :D

  206. i need a new blender ..a good one so i can make smoothies and fun summery drinks

  207. I heard that Blendtec was the best blender and above all others out there, therefore I would love to have a Blendtec Blender in my kitchen for my everyday smoothie’s and other recipes!

  208. Would love to win so I can make sugar and cornstarch into icing, make my marinara sauce, soups, juices, smoothies

  209. Ein super Gewinnspiel! Deine Kreationen regen so zum Nachmachen an!
    Da ich gar keinen Blender besitze und mit einer Freundin zusammen angefangen habe, auf gesunde Ernährung zu achten, würde der Blender perfekt passen!

    Liebste Grüße Alicia

  210. Würde auch gerne gewinnen!

  211. OMG! Please pick me!! I have been wanting to buy one for the longest time!!!

  212. Mit meinem kleinen (mittlerweile ziemlich kaputten) Mixer und dem Pürierstab bekommt man zwar einiges klein, aber schon bei angefrorenem Obst wird es schnell schwierig uns irgendwie verstecken sich auch nach ewig langem mixen immernoch Stücke im Smoothie, wodurch er gleich weniger smoothig ist ^^ Leider ist so ein Gerät mit richtig Power ziemlich teuer und bei uns grad nicht drin. Deswegen würde ich mich wirklich riesig über einen richtigen Blender freuen (und die Familie sicher auch.)
    Liebe Grüße

  213. I make smoothies every day and would love this!

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