July 27, 2024

Tag Archives: recipe

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Niner’s Strawberry Power Smoothie


It’s National Strawberry Day tomorrow! Then we celebrate one of the most popular fruits in the world. Who doesn’t love the bright red and juicy berries? So delicious and nutritious. Packed with vitamins, antioxidants, and fiber. Because of my former allergies I couldn’t enjoy them for over 15 years until I discovered green smoothies and slowly got healed from my ... Read More »

How to pipe Christmas Tree Forest Cupcakes

christmas weihnachts christmastree cupcakes tutorial - niner bakes

Christmas is soooo close and I couldn’t be any happier. Christ is here! The most wonderful time of the year for me. I baked 100 Christmas Tree cupcakes for a bank institute and seeing them all together make a great christmas tree forest! Pin It I recently posted quite a few videos on Instagram on how to pipe the Christmas ... Read More »

Very Vonderful Vegan Vanilla Cupcakes + Video Tutorial

Very Vonderful Vegan Vanilla Cupcakes by niner bakes with chia seeds egg replacer - recipe

Everyone who likes vanilla cupcakes will definitely LOVE these! Whether with or without animal products, they taste so so good and I can honestly recommend you to try these out. It is really not hard at all to bake without animal products like eggs or milk. I love trying out new things, to see the bigger picture can be so ... Read More »

How to make a delicious & healthy Peanut Butter Smoothie

Yummy healthy Peanut Butter Smoothie recipe by niner bakes

Hi everyone, it’s all been about Peanut Butter these past months and weeks. Somehow I love baking with peanut butter a lot more than a couple years ago, and I do love to have it in my smoothies as well! Since I drink (mostly green) smoothies every day and they just make me feel so so good, I decided to ... Read More »

{Easy Peasy & SO delicious} Peanut Butter Cups Recipe

How to make peanut butter cups by niner bakes

Hi lovelies, you allll know Peanut Butter Cups, right? And I am sure most of you looove these yummy little treats?! Pin It Me too, so I wanted to make these myself, sorry Reese’s, I think it is cheaper and it’s lovely to get rid of the GMO’s (which are in Reese’s) as well :) I adapted this easy peasy ... Read More »

Pasta Alfredo with bacon and broccoli

Pasta Al Fredo

I LOVE pasta, just like so many other people. I am always on the look out for new pasta recipes and I recently found a GREAT recipe from Karly’s blog: Buns In My Oven. I immediately knew: I HAVE TO TRY THIS ONE! :-) As you can see in the pictures, it does not matter what type of pasta you ... Read More »

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